The Alpha Clinic

Health Screening + GP Services

We also provide the following Health Screening Packages and all regular GP Services.

Executive Health Screening

Health History &
Physical Examination
Fasting Blood Sugar
Fasting Cholesterol Level Testing
Blood Test for Kidney Health Parameters
Blood Test for Liver Health Parameters
Full Blood Count
Urine Test for Kidney Health Parameters
And a review at later date

Comprehensive Screening

Health History &
Physical Examination
Fasting Blood Sugar
Fasting Cholesterol Level Testing
Blood Test for Kidney Health Parameters
Blood Test for Liver Health Parameters
Full Blood Count
Urine Test for Kidney Health Parameters
Thyroid Function Test
Hepatitis B Screening
Tumour Marker Testing
Blood test for Iron Studies
And a review at later date

Hormone & Comprehensive

Health History &
Physical Examination
Fasting Blood Sugar
Fasting Cholesterol Level Testing
Blood Test for Kidney Health Parameters
Blood Test for Liver Health Parameters
Full Blood Count
Urine testing for Kidney Health
Thyroid Function Test
Hepatitis B Screening
Tumour Marker Testing
Blood Testosterone Levels
Blood Estrogen, Prolaction, FSH and LH
Blood tests for Iron Studies
And a review at later date

Executive Health Screening

Health History &
Physical Examination
Fasting Blood Sugar
Fasting Cholesterol Level Testing
Blood Test for Kidney Health Parameters
Blood Test for Liver Health Parameters
Full Blood Count
Urine Test for Kidney Health Parameters
And a review at later date

Comprehensive Screening

Health History &
Physical Examination
Fasting Blood Sugar
Fasting Cholesterol Level Testing
Blood Test for Kidney Health Parameters
Blood Test for Liver Health Parameters
Full Blood Count
Urine Test for Kidney Health Parameters
Thyroid Function Test
Hepatitis B Screening
Tumour Marker Testing
Blood test for Iron Studies
And a review at later date

Hormone & Comprehensive

Health History &
Physical Examination
Fasting Blood Sugar
Fasting Cholesterol Level Testing
Blood Test for Kidney Health Parameters
Blood Test for Liver Health Parameters
Full Blood Count
Urine testing for Kidney Health
Thyroid Function Test
Hepatitis B Screening
Tumour Marker Testing
Blood Testosterone Levels
Blood Estrogen, Prolaction, FSH and LH
Blood tests for Iron Studies
And a review at later date